
We Take Down Your Pond Easily and Safely

Our experienced team takes all the work out... getting your pond ready for the winter and making it easier for you to enjoy in Spring!

We Eliminate All The Hard Work That Goes Into Winterizing Your Pond

  • Job Done Right - By taking the right steps to safely and easily close your pond, we save you time, effort and money on yearly pond maintenance. 
  •  Preserve Your Pond - Improve the survival rates of your plants and fish and be ready to enjoy your pond faster in Spring. 

 Here's What We Can Do For You
Our goal is to ensure your pond is perfectly preserved through Winter leaving you with a beautiful pond to come back to in the Spring. 

Fall Preparation 

Even though you may want to keep your pond running into autumn, it's a good time to clean it out before the temperatures drop to 10 C to avoid permanent damage to your pond.

  • We clean the pumps, equipment and features in your pond - Getting your pond prepared to close down for Winter.
  • We flush the system - Taking out all the algae and debris and dead plant stems that have built up and then we refill the pond with fresh water to prevent water decay.  
  • At the end we make sure your pond is all set up for the winter take down - We do a detailed run through of your pond to ensure its perfectly prepped and ready to be closed down for winter.

Closing For Winter

Every pond's needs vary and your exact closing process will depend on your overall pond design

  • We Set Up Your Pond To Survive The Winter - To winterize your pond we take everything out of your pond and clean out everything, in addition to deeply cleaning everything; We ensure everything is shut off and put away properly so that your pond can easily be set up again in Spring!  
  • Winter Fish Care - We ensure your pond is set up in a way that supports your fishes health and comfort during the entire Winter.
  • BONUS! As a special gift we add cold water bacteria, to help keep pond water clean and clear. These bacteria reduce Spring maintenance by digesting debris that may accumulate over the Winter months. 

We Helped Over 100+ Calgarians Transform Their Ponds







Best Aquarium and Pond Experts in Calgary
Benajamin's Aquarium Services' team has extensive experience in designing and setting up the most complex aquarium and Pond systems. With direct access to the best aquarium and aquatic life providers we are able to handle every step of the process from conceptualization to purchasing supplies and aquatic life to installing the right ecosystem.
